Expert in Sports Physiotherapy
Spanish, English
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EUR 1,800 *
* price for non-resident non-community students is just approximate since then each academic rate is different.
The role of the physiotherapist in the sports field is clear today. In fact, sports injuries and their recovery are associated with physiotherapy in sports aspect. Within the discipline of physiotherapy, there are multiple techniques that will allow a speedy recovery of the athlete, as long as the therapist knows the particularities of the sport.
The objective of the degree is to train the student in the use and theoretical-practical mastery of the tools offered by physiotherapy in the field of sport, both at an amateur and elite level, within a multidisciplinary context with the aim of addressing the injury of the sportsman
The course program is divided into 12 face-to-face seminars from Friday to Saturday in which the clinical application of the most widely used physiotherapy techniques in the field of sport will be developed. In each seminar, each one of the physiotherapy procedures applied to the sport will be addressed in great detail: manual therapy, hydrotherapy, functional recovery, bandages, electro-stimulation, and dry needling.
The objective of the course is for the student to learn to integrate the different physiotherapy techniques and procedures, such as joint mobilization and manipulation techniques, bandaging, neuromuscular taping, hydrotherapy, dry needling, myofascial and/or muscular therapy, electro-stimulation and recovery. functional, in the field
Block I: Orthopedic Exploration of the Sports Injury
- Clinical reasoning in the athlete
- Manual orthopedic examination of the athlete's upper limb
- Manual orthopedic examination of the athlete's lower limb
- Planning of the athlete's physiotherapeutic intervention
- Morphological examination and ultrasound identification of target structures
Block II: Functional Bandage and Neuromuscular Bandage
Module: Functional bandage
- Principles of functional bandaging in sport
- Functional bandages in pathology of the athlete's upper limb
- Functional bandages in pathology of the athlete's lower limb
- Bandages in special situations
Module: Neuromuscular bandage
- Theoretical bases of the neuromuscular bandage. Scientific evidence
- Mechanisms of action of the neuromuscular bandage
- Effects, indications and principles of application of the neuromuscular bandage
- Practical applications in sport
- Muscular techniques, correction techniques, ligamentous techniques
- Specific application techniques of neuromuscular bandage
- Cross taping
Block III: Readaptation of the Sports Injury: Propioception,
Strength, Flexibility and Electrostimulation
Module: Treatment, prevention and rehabilitation of muscletendon injuries:
eccentric exercises and functional electrostimulation.
- Mechanisms of regeneration of muscle and tendon tissue.
- Tensegrity and Mechanotransduction in the regeneration of human tissues.
- Muscular injuries: etiology, treatment, rehabilitation and prevention.
- Tendon injuries: etiology, treatment, rehabilitation and prevention.
- Rehabilitation and prevention of muscletendon injuries: eccentric exercise
- and electrostimulation.
- Application of excitomotor currents: parameters and applications.
- Electrostatic stimulation: methodology and applications.
- Dynamic electrostimulation: methodology and applications.
- Action protocols in muscletendon injuries.
Module: Strength and flexibility retraining: Pilates and proprioception
- Resistance force. Maximum strength. Power.
- Dynamic and static, general and analytical flexibility.
- Active and passive stretching of the muscles of the upper limb, limb lower and neck and trunk
- Pilates methods in functional recovery: Basic principles.
- Floor Pilates for the development of strength and flexibility
- Proprioceptive treatment protocols in sports injury
Module: Retraining of motor control (Core Training)
- Motor control in sport: Core Training
- Economy of the sports gesture. Relationship with different sports modalities
- Types of core stability training. Local and global stability.
Block IV: Treatment of Water Sports Injuries
- Bases of hydrotherapy in sport
- Dry preparatory exercises
- Protocols for the aquatic prevention of sports injuries
- Aquatic treatment protocols for specific sports injuries
- Functional recovery in the aquatic environment
- Dry water transfer
Block V: Manual Therapies Applied to Sports
Module: Techniques of joint mobilization and manipulation in the athlete
- Techniques for mobilization and joint manipulation of the upper limb
- Techniques for mobilization and joint manipulation of the lower limb
- Techniques for mobilization and joint manipulation of the pelvis
- Techniques for mobilization and joint manipulation of the thoracic spine
- Techniques for mobilization and joint manipulation of the cervical spine
Module: Soft tissue techniques in the athlete
- Concept of tensegrity, mechanotransduction, pretension and local elasticity.
- Analysis of the biomechanics and pathomechanics of the myofascial system
- Principles of evaluation of the restrictions and patterns of entrapment of the most common myofascial tissue in the sports context
- Basic principles of myofascial treatment
- Sonoelastography in real time and dynamic ultrasound as a clinical tool
- in the assessment of sports injuries: fibrillar rupture and chronic tendinopathy.
- Myofascial techniques applied to the d
Block Vi: Dry Needle Applied to Sports
- Mechanisms of dry needling on muscle tissue
- Mechanotransduction and dry needling
- Dry puncture and sports performance
- Dry needling in pathology of the athlete's upper limb
- Dry needling in pathology of the athlete's lower limb
- Dry puncture in athlete's spine pathology
Block VII: Ecoguided Percutaneous Electrolysis in Sports
- Tendon regeneration mechanisms.
- Tendon injuries: pathological basis and biological process
- Principles of Electrolysis: galvanic current
- Clinical application of electrolysis in tendon pathology of the athlete
- Use of ultrasound in tendon injury in athletes
- Ecoguided application of Electrolysis on tendon injury of the athlete
Block VIII: Clinical Case
Alain Sola Vicente (Castilla Football Club), Carlos del Barrio (Atletico Madrid
Football Club), Fernando Galán del Río (URJCRoyal Spanish Football Federation),
Manuel Arroyo Morales (Granada Football Club until 2022), Carmen Valencia GilOrtega (Innofisio Clinic) Agustín García Collado (Getafe Football Club 20162019),
Judith Sánchez Garrido (Spanish Association of Pilates Expert Physiotherapists),
Rubén Fernández Martínez (RPG®), Elisa Benito (Comillas Pontifical University,
Spanish Federation for Intellectual Disability), José Luis Arias Buría (URJC), César
Fernández de las Peñas (URJC), Carlos Pacheco Agudo (URJC), Stella Fuensalida
Novo (URJC), Jorge Rodríguez Jiménez (URJC)