Chemeketa Community College
The Meaning of Our Name You can learn a lot about Chemeketa Community College by understanding the meaning of our name. Chemeketa means "gathering place" in the local Native American language of the Kalapuya. We translate that as "place of peace." We interpret it to mean "you are welcome here."
The Meaning of Our Name
You can learn a lot about Chemeketa Community College by understanding the meaning of our name. Chemeketa means "gathering place" in the local Native American language of the Kalapuya. We translate that as "place of peace." We interpret it to mean "you are welcome here."
Chemeketa Key Facts
- Thousands of Chemeketa Scholars have attended Chemeketa free of tuition
- Each year, thousands of high school students use our College Credit Now program to save their families millions in tuition
- Our Chemeketa Press publishes low-cost textbooks which saves students hundreds of thousands of dollars
- Clients of the Chemeketa Center for Business & Industry have added hundreds of jobs through our small business management program
- Salem
Lancaster Drive Northeast,4000, 97305, Salem